by Mario Corsolini
ESCV ( ['εsku] — EStimator Corsolini-Venturelli, for Windows® systems) allows to:
ESCV ( ['εsku] — EStimatore Corsolini-Venturelli, per sistemi Windows®) permette di:
- manage an archive of multiple choice questions, written in LaTeX and arranged according to topic and level of difficulty;
- create different questionnaires, keeping the same level of difficulty, randomly mixing questions and answers;
- automatically acquire the answers through scanner or video camera or Android™ smartphone/tablet ();
- assess the questionnaires, creating diagrams and statistics, considering the level of difficulty, bonuses, penalties and compensations provided by customised educational plans;
- create summarising wrappers and full reports of the results of the questionnaires;
- compute (possibly weighted) averages, for single terms or for the whole year;
- collect the complete records of each student;
- publish on the Internet all the data and files produced (as in this example: ESCVweb).
- gestire un archivio di domande a risposta multipla, scritte in LaTeX e catalogate per argomento e livello di difficoltà;
- creare questionari distinti, mantenendo costante il livello di difficoltà, mescolando casualmente domande e risposte;
- acquisire automaticamente le risposte tramite scanner o videocamera o smartphone/tablet Android™ ();
- valutare gli elaborati, generando grafici e statistiche, tenendo conto di livello di difficoltà, bonus, penalità e compensazioni previste da eventuali piani didattici personalizzati;
- creare fascette raccoglitrici riassuntive e verbali completi degli esiti dei questionari;
- calcolare le medie (eventualmente pesate), sia sui singoli periodi che su base annua;
- raccogliere gli atti completi di ciascuno studente;
- pubblicare sull'Internet tutti i dati e i file generati (come in questo esempio: ESCVweb).
Donations. Donazioni.
ESCV is donationware: if you like it and you wish to contribute, please send a donation to the author through the PayPal account
ESCV è donationware: se vi piace e volete contribuire al suo sviluppo, inviate all'autore una donazione sull'account di PayPal.
Download ESCV for Windows v2.4.1demo [2024-06-20]:
Download ESCV (client) for Android v1.5.0 [2024-11-11]:
Additional resources. Risorse aggiuntive.
Superseded versions archive. Archivio versioni obsolete.
ESCV v2.4.0demo
[2024-01-05] 29.0 Mibyte
ESCV v2.3.2demo
[2023-01-21] 28.8 Mibyte
ESCV v2.3.1demo
[2022-06-21] 31.1 Mibyte
ESCV v2.3.0demo
[2022-01-21] 31.1 Mibyte
ESCV v2.2.1demo
[2021-06-11] 31.0 Mibyte
ESCV v2.2.0demo
[2021-05-01] 31.0 Mibyte
ESCV v2.1.0demo
[2021-03-20] 31.0 Mibyte
ESCV v2.0.0demo
[2020-09-13] 30.8 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.4.1
[2024-04-10] 29.5 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.4.0
[2024-04-01] 28.2 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.3.1
[2024-02-05] 29.8 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.3.0
[2024-01-05] 29.6 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.2.0
[2023-02-05] 27.1 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.1.1
[2023-01-21] 25.6 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.1.0
[2022-06-21] 25.5 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.0.2
[2021-05-01] 31.5 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.0.1
[2021-04-01] 31.5 Mibyte
ESCV for Android v1.0.0
[2021-03-20] 30.7 Mibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.3.2
[2023-01-21] 16 Kibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.3.1
[2022-06-21] 16 Kibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.3.0
[2021-05-01] 16 Kibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.2.0
[2021-05-01] 16 Kibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.1.0
[2021-03-20] 16 Kibyte
"Emgu CV" Sources v2.0.0
[2020-09-13] 17 Kibyte